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        A 2016 Beverage Marketing study found water consumption in the U.S. grew 120 percent between 2000 and 2015, while carbonated drinks fell 16 percent over the same time period.

        Drinking more water is a smart and healthy decision! But, you still have a lot of choices when it comes to what kind of water you drink. Bottled? Distilled? Natural spring water? Tap water?

        Reverse osmosis drinking water systems provide you with clean, refreshing water right in your home. Here are some reasons why it’s the best option for you.

        Reverse Osmosis Systems Remove Contaminants
        Contaminated water and its negative effects on health have been making a lot of headlines lately. The water crisis in Flint, Michigan involving lead prompted increased scrutiny of public water around the country.

        No matter where you live, there’s a lot more than just H2O in your home’s water. However, with a reverse osmosis system, you can drastically reduce those unwanted contaminants. The special membrane filters out the vast majority of microscopic organisms and heavy metals. Learn more about how reverse osmosis systems work.

        For example, our Eclipse™ R.O., Impression Series® R.O., and UltroWater® systems are tested and certified for the reduction of the following contaminants:

        • lead
        • arsenic
        • copper
        • nitrates and nitrites (hexavalent & trivalent)
        • chromium
        • selenium
        • fluoride
        • radium
        • barium
        • cyst (cryptosporidium)
        • total dissolved solids (TDS)
        • If pure water is what you want, a reverse osmosis drinking system is what you need!


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